This simple LED light circuit is made to work directly with the 230V AC mains supply. It uses a capacitive dropper to control the current effectively. This clever design powers a group of LEDs arranged in a series parallel design making it an easy and cost effective choice for lighting that runs on mains power. […]
LED and Lamps
Simple Time Delay LED Circuit using Transistor
The Simple Time Delay LED Circuit using is a cool setup that uses a transistor to make an LED light up after a short wait. This easy to build circuit includes a transistor, a capacitor and some resistors to create that delay before the LED turns on. It is really useful for things like power […]
Battery Operated Automatic Emergency Light Circuit
An automatic emergency light circuit that runs on battery power is simple yet very important because it provides light when the electricity goes out. This circuit makes sure that a lamp turns on by itself if the main power supply fails, which is super helpful for homes, offices and other places that need extra lighting. […]
Simple Relay Based Lamp Flasher Circuit
A Simple Lamp Flasher Circuit that uses relay technology is really useful in many situations like for indicators, warning lights and anything that needs to grab attention. This circuit cleverly uses a relay, a resistor and a capacitor to make the light blink without needing complicated electronic parts that could make things tricky. It works […]
Simple 12V Lamp Flasher Circuit using IC LM317
A simple but cool circuit has been created to make a 12V lamp flash using the handy IC LM317. This project is not just for indicator lamps and warning lights, it can also be used in car lights and for decorative lighting. The LM317 is usually known for controlling voltage, but here it is cleverly […]
Simple Emergency Lamp Circuit using IC LM358
A simple yet highly effective emergency lamp circuit that uses the integrated circuit LM358 serves as an essential apparatus for providing backup illumination during instances of power outages. The circuit design presented herein is a multifunctional emergency lighting solution that guarantees consistent and automatic lighting in the event of a power disruption. Central to this […]