Transistors are really important parts of electronic devices. They help make signals stronger, switch things on and off and do a lot of other tasks. To make sure they are working properly it is important to test them. This helps fix problems in circuits and find any broken parts. In this article, we will look […]
Transistor Circuits
Building an Auto Street Light Circuit using IC 741 and Transistor
Building an Auto Street Light Circuit using IC 741 and Transistor, which turns street lights on at night and off during the day, is a simple but efficient way to save energy. This design employs a relay to operate the street light, an LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) for light detection, BC547 transistor used to drive […]
Simple Transistor-Based Voltage Booster Circuit
The requirement for greater voltage levels from low-voltage power sources is a frequent problem in current electronic applications. Devices can function properly even with low power supplies thanks to a voltage booster circuit, which raises the voltage. With the help of a PNP transistor 2N2907, an NPN transistor 2N2222, and a variety of passive parts […]
Simple Single Push Button ON OFF Relay Circuit
You may use a simple single push button ON/OFF relay circuit to operate a single push button device, such as a motor or light. Pressing the button causes the relay to flip between its on and off states. The condition can be reversed once again by pressing the button. Without the use of microcontrollers or […]
100 Watt Audio Amplifier Circuit using Transistors
The purpose of a 100 Watt Transistor Audio Amplifier Circuit is to transform a weak electrical signal from an audio source such as a phone or MP3 player into a considerably stronger signal that can power loudspeakers. In this circuit transistors play the vital role to amplify the input signal into a massive 100 watt […]
Simple Single Transistor Audio Amplifier Circuit
Just as the name implies, a simple single transistor audio amplifier circuit is a basic circuit that uses just one transistor to increase the amplitude of an audio stream. It is an excellent introduction to the principles of amplification and how transistors operate. Do you want to assemble a simple audio amplifier without a complicated […]