A easy circuit for a white noise generator is a DIY electrical design that simulates the sound of static or hissing that you would hear when switching radio stations. Applications for this noise include sound effects creation privacy sound masking and audio equipment testing. The circuit takes use of the intrinsic electrical noise that exists […]
Oscillator Circuits
Analog to Digital Converter Circuit using IC 555
A simple method of converting an analog voltage signal (from a sensor) into a digital signal (ones and zeros) that microcontrollers or other digital devices can understand is to use an analog to digital converter ADC circuit that uses a IC 555. Because it is inexpensive and simple to construct, it is an excellent learning […]
How to Design Crystal Oscillator Circuit
A crystal oscillator circuit is a type of electronic circuit that produces a particularly accurate and steady electrical signal at a certain frequency by means of a unique part known as a piezoelectric crystal. For many electronic gadgets, this frequency is essential. Circuit Working: Lets understand about this circuit through the above diagram: Crystal Oscillators: […]
Simple Hulda Clark Zapper Circuit using IC 555
A zapper circuit is a circuit that generates a specified frequency electrical current for therapeutic reasons, using a IC 555 integrated circuit. This circuit is often known as the Hulda Clark zapper version which was designed in the year 2003. Circuit Working: Parts List: Category Description Quantity Wattage Resistors 1k, 3.3k 2 each 1/4 watt […]
Simple Morse Key Circuit using IC 555
In this article a Morse code is a circuit that utilizes a IC 555 integrated circuit, it is an easy to make electrical circuit that may be used to practice transmitting morse code. Multiple configurations are possible for the 555, an IC that is highly adaptable. It is configured as an astable multivibrator in this […]
Simple Ticking Bomb Simulator Circuit
A basic circuit that simulates a ticking bomb is one that sounds like it might appear in a video game or motion picture. It is critical to realize that this circuit is only for amusement and does not provide any risks. Circuit Working: Parts List: Component Type Value Quantity Resistor 47k 1 Capacitors Electrolytic 10μF […]