A Boost Converter LED Torch Circuit is a simple but really important tool for portable lighting. This project shows you how to build a super efficient LED torch using the MAX660 chip which acts like a voltage booster. The IC MAX660 can increase the voltage from a 3V battery making it possible to power several […]
Power Supply Circuits
Simple Light to Frequency Converter Circuit using Timer IC 555
A Simple Light to Frequency Converter Circuit is a complex circuit that changes in light brightness into a frequency signal. This process is super useful in many areas like measuring light, sensing with optics and different automation jobs. The circuit uses a IC 555 timer chip working in astable mode along with a photodiode that […]
Simple LM331 Based Frequency to Voltage Converter Circuit
A simple frequency to voltage (F/V) converter is a cool electronic circuit that changes a signal with different frequencies into a direct current DC voltage that matches that frequency. These converters are used in many areas like tachometers, speedometers and industrial automation systems. One popular component in this field is the LM331 which is a […]
Frequency to Voltage Converter Circuit using IC TC9400
A Frequency to Voltage Converter Circuit (FVC) is an important part of signal processing, controlling motor speeds and connecting different sensors. Its main job is to change a frequency signal it receives into a voltage output. This makes it easier to measure and work with frequency as an analog voltage in many different uses. This […]
Simple Boost Converter Circuit using IC LM2577
A Boost Converter Circuit which is often called a step up voltage regulator, is a type of electronic circuit that takes a lower input voltage and turns it into a higher output voltage. This is super helpful in situations where the power source gives out a voltage that is lower than what the device needs. […]
Designing an EL Wire Power Supply Circuit
A basic yet necessary electrical system for powering EL (Electroluminescent) wires is an EL wire inverter circuit. EL wires are bright, flexible and thin wires that are frequently utilized in creative endeavors, costumes, signs and ornamental lighting. They run on high voltage alternating current AC at certain frequencies usually between 100 and 200V AC at […]