A circuit that can help you identify breaks in wires without needing to physically expose the wires themselves. That is a broken cable detector circuit, it works like a metal detector for wires, but instead of metal it sniffs out AC electricity around the wire. The circuit uses a special chip called a CD 4069, […]
Sensors and Detectors
Simple TV Remote Signal Jammer Circuit
The 555 IC is used in a TV remote signal jammer circuit to mislead the TVs infrared receiver by continuously generating an infrared pulse at the transmitters carrier frequency. You can watch your show uninterrupted since this interference stops the TV from receiving remote control signals. An IR LED, a ceramic capacitor, an NPN transistor, […]
Simple Metal Detector Circuit using IC 555
This simple to assemble metal detector circuit makes use of the IC 555, a widely available chip. Despite its various uses, this IC 555 chip functions as a miniature clock in this application producing a signal that aids in the detection of metals and magnets. Circuit Working: Parts List: Component Type Value Quantity Resistor (1/4 […]
Simple Mains Phase Detector Circuit using CMOS ICs
Two simple mains phase detector circuit using the IC 4001 and IC 4060 are discussed in this article which are designed to detect the presence of mains AC 220V or 120V phase in the atmosphere. It works without any physical contact with the mains and the antenna of the circuit detects the mains in the […]
Simple Mobile Phone Detector Circuit using Transistors
Think you have a secret agent gadget that can sense nearby cell phones. Mobile Phone Detector circuit acts like a listener for special radio waves phones use to talk to towers. It can even pick up on these signals before the phone rings kind of like catching a secret handshake between the phone and the […]
Simple Sound to Light Converter Circuit
Assume you have a disco party, but without flashing lights! This sound to light converter circuit acts like a translator between sound and light. It listens to music and turns those sounds into flashing lights, making your room light up along with the beat. It uses clever parts to change the volume or pitch of […]