Stepper motors are really popular in automation, robotics and CNC machines because they can control movements very accurately. The Transistor Based Stepper Motor Drive Circuit is a simple way to run a unipolar stepper motor using logic gates and transistors. This circuit uses four 2N2222 transistors to control the motors windings and it has two […]
Transistor Circuits
Simple Temperature Based DC Fan Controller Circuit using Transistors
A simple but powerful temperature controlled DC fan controller circuit that uses transistors is really important for automatically cooling devices when they reach a certain temperature. This feature helps prevent overheating and improves efficiency. The circuit uses a thermistor to sense the temperature, which allows it to control the DC fan based on temperature changes. […]
Simple Transistor Based H-Bridge Motor Controller Circuit
A simple H-Bridge motor controller circuit that uses transistors is commonly used to control DC motors allowing them to spin both clockwise and counterclockwise. This circuit helps manage the speed and direction of the motor by using easy switching techniques. The name “H-Bridge” comes from the way the circuit looks, which is similar to the […]
Simple Time Delay LED Circuit using Transistor
The Simple Time Delay LED Circuit using is a cool setup that uses a transistor to make an LED light up after a short wait. This easy to build circuit includes a transistor, a capacitor and some resistors to create that delay before the LED turns on. It is really useful for things like power […]
Simple 24V Lamp Flasher Circuit using Transistors
A simple circuit made for a 24V lamp flasher uses transistors to make lamps blink back and forth in a never ending loop. This circuit is made to control two lamps so they turn on and off one after the other similar to how a transistor based astable multivibrator works. You can use this kind […]
Simple Transistors Based Megaphone Circuit
A simple circuit that uses transistors to make a megaphone acts like an electronic amplifier. It is designed to boost weak sounds from a microphone MIC so they can be loud enough to be heard through a loudspeaker. You can find this kind of circuit in many places, like public speaking events, sports games, rallies […]