Just as the name implies, an amplifier speaker turn-on delay circuit is a circuit added to the amplifier that adds a brief delay before the speakers are connected to the amplifier output. When the amplifier is initially turned on, there may be an unwelcome loud ‘thump’ sound from the speakers, this delay helps avoid this […]
Amplifier Circuits
Simple Tone Controller Circuit using IC TL072 Op-amp
An IC TL072 op amp tone control circuit lets you modify the treble and bass frequencies of an audio signal. This circuit not only enhances sound but also lets you adjust the treble and bass. These elements are used in a certain order to provide filters that reduce or amplify particular frequencies. Circuit Working: Parts […]
Simple Car Stereo Amplifier Circuit
Using a single 12V power source, the TDA7297 is an easy to assemble dual channel amplifier that provides a reasonably high output power into 8 ohm speakers. It may produce even more power when using a 17V source. The TDA7297 has many uses even though it was made for portable radios and TVs. As a […]
100 Watt Audio Amplifier Circuit using Transistors
The purpose of a 100 Watt Transistor Audio Amplifier Circuit is to transform a weak electrical signal from an audio source such as a phone or MP3 player into a considerably stronger signal that can power loudspeakers. In this circuit transistors play the vital role to amplify the input signal into a massive 100 watt […]
Simple 5V Audio Amplifier Circuit using IC LM4876
An 5V audio amplifier circuit that is bridge tied is made using the IC LM4876. This kind of circuit increases the audio signals volume for uses such as powering a portable devices speaker. It might be difficult to build a compact amplifier for portable devices since they require minimal power. The LM4876 chip from texas […]
Simple Stereo Audio Amplifier Circuit using IC 6283
A popular dual channel stereo audio amplifier chip for low to medium power audio applications is the IC 6283. Build your own circuit or purchase pre made amplifier boards that use this integrated circuit. A simple stereo amplifier that is simple to construct is the 6283 audio amplifier circuit. It boosts a weak stereo signal […]