Want to learn how solar panels work? Build your own mini solar cell at home! It is a fun project for electronics enthusiasts and uses a common part called a transistor. This is a basic model and wont power your house, but it is a great way to see how sunlight can be converted into […]
Simple Continuity Tester Circuit
This little tester uses two transistors like tiny switches to see if your wires are good. It just needs a battery and an LED light. You touch one tester to a wire and the other to the battery. If the wire is okay electricity can flow and the light will turn on. This means there […]
Simple Piezo Buzzer Circuit
This project makes sound in a whole new way. It is surprisingly easy to build and only uses a few parts: The result is a high pitched sound, kind of like a whistle. This circuit is unique because it uses the coil to make the sound keep going unlike most circuits that use resistors and […]
Simple Li-Fi Transmitter Receiver Circuit
Just imagine using light instead of radio waves for internet. Li-Fi is a technology that does exactly that. This post shows you how to build a basic Li-Fi system to send and receive information using light. The transmitter uses a common transistor and a bright LED to send the signal. The receiver uses a special […]
Simple Sound Activated Relay Circuit
This article shows you how to build a circuit that can turn things on and off with sound. It uses a special part called a relay to control things that use more power, like lights or motors. This could be useful for things like: We will show you exactly how to build it and how […]
Simple Transistor Relay Driver Circuit
Transistors are tiny switches that are used in almost all electronics. But, they cannot handle a lot of power on their own. A transistor relay driver is like a special adapter for transistors. It lets a tiny transistor signal control a powerful relay switch. This way you can use a small weak signal from your […]