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Simple Cable TV Amplifier Circuit

Cable TV channels travel on thin cables.

These signals can get weaker as they travel long distances.

A cable TV amplifier is like a small radio that makes the signals stronger.

This helps ensure clear reception for viewers.

Circuit Working:

Simple Cable TV Amplifier Circuit Diagram

Parts List:

Resistors (1/4 watt)
Ceramic 0.01μF1
Ceramic 0.0022μF2
Transistors 2SC43082
TV input1
TV output1

This RF amplifier circuit is specifically designed for cable TV applications intended for easy installation between two coaxial cables.

Both the input and output impedances are tailored to be compatible with 75Ω cables.

The primary amplifier employs the T1 transistor, with T2 functioning as an emitter follower.

The feedback bias is established by 820Ω and 75Ω.

The overall gain of this cable TV amplifier is 22dB.

Due to the inherent high frequency limitations of transistors up to 2GHz, the amplifier operates effectively up to 150MHz.

It is essential to encase it in a metal housing and the coaxial cables used should be of the 75Ω type.

The total current consumption for this cable TV amplifier circuit is approximately 20mA.


The gain-bandwidth product GBW of a transistor, a crucial variable in circuits with broad bandwidth frequencies, may be computed using the following formula:

GBW = Av ​× f − 3dB​


According to this formula, an approximate assessment of a transistors performance in amplifying signals at higher frequencies may be found by multiplying its gain by the frequency at which the gain starts to drop off or the -3dB point for a particular transistor with a given voltage gain of Av.

How to Build:

Building a cable TV amplifier circuit requires some electronic components and basic soldering skills.

Gather Components:

Circuit Design:


Input and Output Connections:


Power Supply (if applicable):



Final Checks:

Safety Precautions:


Remember that building electronic circuits requires a good understanding of electronics, and it is essential to take appropriate safety measures.

If you are unfamiliar with electronic assembly consider seeking assistance from someone with experience or consulting with an electronics professional.


Cable TV Amplifier Circuits are crucial in maintaining signal quality and ensuring that subscribers receive clear and reliable television signals particularly in situations where the cable signals need to traverse long distances or encounter multiple splitting points in a distribution network.


Datasheet 2SC4308

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