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Simple Heartbeat Monitor Circuit using Arduino

In this project, we developed an Arduino based heartbeat monitor that uses a sensor that monitors heartbeats when your finger is placed on it to count heartbeats per minute.

This is significant because your heartbeat provides information to doctors about your health.

Heartbeat Monitor Circuit uses components like Arduino UNO, an LCD display, two push buttons, a resistor, and a heartbeat rate sensor module to make a basic heartbeat monitor.

The analog data from the heart is captured by the heart rate sensor module and examined by the Arduino to calculate the heart rate, which is than shown on the LCD display

The display and the heart rate measurement are operated by two push buttons.

Coding with explanation:

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

// Define pins for components
const int heartRatePin = A0;
const int startButtonPin = 2;
const int stopButtonPin = 3;
const int lcdContrastPin = 4;

// Create LCD object
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2);

void setup() {
  // Set pins as input or output
  pinMode(heartRatePin, INPUT);
  pinMode(startButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(stopButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(lcdContrastPin, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize LCD display
  lcd.begin(16, 2);
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Heartbeat Monitor");

void loop() {
  // Read heart rate sensor value
  int sensorValue = analogRead(heartRatePin);

  // Calculate heart rate (adjust factors as needed)
  int heartRate = (sensorValue * 60) / 1023;

  // Display heart rate on LCD
  lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
  lcd.print("HR: ");
  lcd.print(" BPM");

  // Check for button presses
  if (digitalRead(startButtonPin) == LOW) {
    // Start heart rate measurement
    // ... (your code here)

  if (digitalRead(stopButtonPin) == LOW) {
    // Stop heart rate measurement
    // ... (your code here)

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Arduino UNO1
Heart Beat sensor module1
16×2 LCD1
Push button tactile switches2
IC 78091
Potentiometer 10k1
Resistors 100k 1/4 watt2

In this post the Arduino UNO is supplied with a consistent 9V output voltage by use of the voltage regulator IC 7809.

This is helpful because the standard input voltage required by the Arduino UNO is 5V.

Here, heartbeats are detected with a heartbeat sensor module.

An infrared pair on the sensor picks up variations in blood flow brought on by the hearts pumping action.

These modifications are transformed into a voltage or pulse of electricity.

Heart Rate Sensor device connects to the Arduino UNO and receives the analog signal from the heart.

Arduino UNO device reads the analog data from the heart rate sensor, calculates the heart rate by processing it, and manages the LCD screen.

The computed heart rate is displayed on the LCD display.

Pressing start button from pin 2 on Arduino board causes the heartbeat measurement process.

This entails turning on the heart rate sensor module, wiping out any stored information, and setting up the LCD screen to display the heart rate.

Pressing the stop button will either pause or end the heart rate monitor.

This includes putting an end to the heart rate sensor module, storing any information gathered, and displaying a notice to let people know that the measurement has been halted or paused.

Potentiometer is used to modify the LCD displays contrast.

How to Build:

To build a Simple Heartbeat Monitor Circuit using Arduino following are the steps to follow:

Connections of an LCD Display to Arduino board:

Arduino PinLCD PinDescription
5VVCCPower supply
D2RSRegister select
D4, D5, D6, D7D4, D5, D6, D7Data pins


This project illustrates a basic heartbeat monitor.

The code offers a fundamental structure for figuring out and showing heart rate.

Details on the connections and circuit architecture are also given.

By adding more sophisticated capabilities, including the ability to save heart rate data, determine the average heart rate, and provide visual cues, this project may be improved even further.


Heart Rate Monitor Project

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