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Simple Micro Ampere Meter Circuit

A microammeter circuit is like a special tool to measure electricity.

Regular tools might be too strong for very weak currents, but this circuit uses a super sensitive meter microammeter or a special setting on a multimeter to sniff out tiny electrical flows typically in the range of millionths of an amp.

The other parts resistors and operational amplifiers help the circuit amplify the weak currents so the meter can read them easily.

This way, you can precisely measure tiny currents in your electronics projects.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

ComponentDescriptionQuantityPower Rating
Resistors100Ω11/4 watt
1kΩ11/4 watt
100k11/4 watt
1M11/4 watt
10k21/4 watt
R see text1
CapacitorsCeramic 0.001µF1
SemiconductorsIC CA31301
Selector Switch1

This basic microampere meter circuit enables the measurement of small currents across five ranges from 1µA to 10mA.

The meter operates by shifting the input voltage based on the current being measured Ix, resulting in an output voltage with inverted polarity.

The output voltage of the CA3130 op amp is directly proportional to the measured current Ix.

By appropriately selecting feedback resistors through S1 the output voltage for full meter deflection is standardized at 1V across all measuring ranges.

The value of the series resistor R should be chosen based on the specific meter being used.

For instance, if a 1 mA meter is employed, the total resistance sum of resistor R and coil resistance Ri of the meter should be 1k.

Similarly, for a 100µA meter, the total resistance should be 100k.

A potentiometer can be used for R if necessary.


The above circuit that is offered is made to measure microampere (µA) electrical currents.

For precise measurement, it amplifies and scales the input current using a transistor, resistors, and an op amp.

Current Measurement Formula

Ohms Law is the essential idea behind the circuit:

V = I * R


The voltage across the shunt resistor in this circuit is amplified by the op amp, making it suitable for measurement.

The particular setup and gain characteristics of the op amp determine the precise formula for its output voltage Vout.

Overall though, the relationship between the input current (Iin) and the output voltage is proportional:

Vout = K * Iin


Finding the Current Range

You may use the following formula to get the current range for a certain shunt resistor:

Imax = Vmax / Rshunt

Additional information:

The precision of the resistors and the properties of the op amp determine how accurate the measurement is.

In order to reduce the loading effects on the shunt resistor, the input impedance of the op amp should be high.

For the voltmeter to correctly show the output voltage, it must have an appropriate sensitivity.


Detailed knowledge of the gain, offset voltage and other characteristics of the op amp is necessary to get the precise formula for determining the current value from the voltmeter measurement.

With this setup, precise microampere measurements may be obtained by carefully choosing the shunt resistors and calibrating the circuit.

How to Build:

To build a Simple Micro Ampere Meter Circuit follow the blow mentioned connections steps:



The Micro Ampere Meter Circuit is a valuable tool for accurately measuring small electric currents typically in the microampere range.

By using a combination of resistors, operational amplifiers and a current measuring device this circuit provides a reliable method for monitoring and analyzing low level currents in various electronic applications.

Its precision and sensitivity make it an essential component in fields such as electronics, research and development where precise current measurements are critical.


Datasheet IC CA3130

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