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Solar Tracking Circuit using Arduino

Using solar power to its fullest is more crucial than ever in a time when sustainability and renewable energy sources are becoming more and more significant.

Solar tracking is a useful tool for increasing the efficiency of solar energy systems.

By repositioning the solar panels to track the suns movement throughout the day, solar tracking maximizes the quantity of sunlight gathered and hence increases energy output.

Discover the world of DIY solar tracking using Arduino a project that combines innovative thinking and creativity.

The open source electronics platform Arduino provides a flexible and approachable way to create complex tracking systems.

With this do-it-yourself project, engineers and hobbyists may design a solar tracker that maximizes the utilization of energy by orienting solar panels according to the position of the sun.

The article looks at how solar panel efficiency may be greatly increased with an Arduino based solar tracking device.

Here, an Arduino board, an IC 7809, a servo motor, a solar panel, LDRs (Light Dependent Resistors) and resistors are used to make a sun tracking solar panel system.

This project not only improves the efficiency of solar energy systems but also offers a useful and instructive experience in electronics and programming via the use of simple yet efficient sensors and motors.

Building a solar tracker using Arduino is a fulfilling project that blends technical expertise with environmental responsibility, whether you are a student keen to put theoretical knowledge into practice or a hobbyist ready to plunge into renewable energy initiatives.

Coding with Explanation:

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;  // create a servo object to control the servo

const int LDR1 = A0;  // analog pin for LDR 1
const int LDR2 = A1;  // analog pin for LDR 2

int LDR1Value = 0;
int LDR2Value = 0;

void setup() {
  myservo.attach(9);  // attach the servo to pin 9
  Serial.begin(9600);  // initialize serial communication

void loop() {
  LDR1Value = analogRead(LDR1);
  LDR2Value = analogRead(LDR2);

  // calculate the difference in light levels
  int difference = LDR1Value - LDR2Value;

  // adjust the servo position based on the difference
  if (difference > 100) {
    myservo.write(90);  // turn right
  } else if (difference < -100) {
    myservo.write(0);  // turn left
  } else {
    myservo.write(45);  // maintain current position

  Serial.println(difference);  // print the difference for debugging
  delay(1000);  // delay for 1 second


Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Arduino Uno Board1
IC 78091
Servo Motor 5V1
Solar Panel 12V 1 Amp1
LDR (Light Dependent Resistor)2
Resistor 10k 1/4 watt2

The article Solar Tracking using Arduino is a simple project for connections which is mentioned in the above circuit diagram.

The solar panels two LDRs are positioned on opposing sides.

The resistance of the LDRs varies with the quantity of light they receive as the sun travels across the sky.

The 10k resistors and the LDRs are linked in a circuit that acts as a voltage divider.

In accordance with the light levels that the LDRs observed, this generates two voltage signals.

Analog inputs on the Arduino board are linked to the voltage signals coming from the voltage divider.

To ascertain the relative light levels that the LDRs have observed, the Arduino evaluates the analog input data.

The solar panel is rotated by a servo motor.

We chose to utilize a servo motor because it allows us to accurately adjust the position of our solar panels and covers the whole path of the sun.

A servo motor that runs on 5V is used in this circuit.

The Arduino provides a control signal to the servo motor based on the comparison of light levels.

To line the solar panel with the position of the sun, the servo motor spins it.

To ensure that the Arduino and servo motor are powered appropriately, the voltage from the solar panel is regulated by the IC 7809.

How to Build:

To build a Solar Tracking Circuit using Arduino, follow the below mentioned steps for connections:


Using Arduino to build a solar tracking is a great way to increase solar energy consumption and get practical experience with electronics and programming.

A system that constantly adjusts the angle of the solar panel to follow the sun may be made by combining essential parts including the Arduino Uno, servo motor, solar panel, LDRs and voltage regulator.

This basic yet efficient configuration increases your solar arrays energy production while showcasing the usefulness of automation and sensor technologies.

This DIY solar tracking project provides both useful advantages and an engaging learning opportunity, whether it is used for instructional reasons or as a springboard to more complex projects.


Solar Tracker based on Sun Position Calculation

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