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1.5V To 10V Boost Converter Circuit

If you have a single AA battery 1.5V but your gadget needs more power 10V to work.

A 1.5V to 10V boost converter circuit is like a mini power station.

It takes the weak 1.5V from the battery and turns it into a stronger 10V, making your gadget happy.

These circuits are handy for electronics that need more power than what batteries or other sources can provide.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Resistors33k11/4 watt
100Ω11/4 watt
2.2k11/4 watt
100k11/4 watt
5.6k11/4 watt
1k11/4 watt
CapacitorsCeramic 330pF1
Electrolytic 100µF125V
SemiconductorsTransistors BC5472
Transistors BC5571
Transistors BC3371
Other ComponentsCoil 70 turns10.25mm on 10mH choke
Diode 1N41481
LED 5mm, 20mA1
ON/OFF switch1
Battery 1.5V-4.5V1

This ingenious circuit is designed to convert a 1.5V input to a 10V output making it a cost effective alternative to using expensive 9V batteries.

Additionally, it provides a 5V supply for microcontroller projects.

The circuits standout feature is its voltage regulating section which reduces current to less than 8mA when no current is being drawn from the output.

With a 470Ω load at 10V the output current is 20mA with a voltage drop of less than 10mV.

The potentiometer allows the output voltage to be adjusted from 5.3V to 10V.

The circuit initiates when the 100k resistor activates the BC547 subsequently turning on the BC557 via the 33k resistor.

This, in turn switches on the BC337 through the 100Ω resistor.

The current limiting resistors decrease in value as the transistor current increases allowing higher currents to pass through.

Current flowing through the collector emitter of the BC337 induces current flow through the inductor creating expanding flux that opposes the incoming voltage resulting in minimal current flow.

As the voltage on the collector decreases the BC557 is further activated by the 330pF capacitor.

This cycle continues until the BC337 is fully activated at which point the 330pF capacitor charges further reducing the base current in the BC557 and causing it to start turning off.

This action gradually turns off the BC337 until both transistors are fully deactivated.

With the BC337 effectively removed from the circuit the current flow through the inductor stops increasing and the magnetic flux collapses producing a high voltage in the opposite direction to the applied voltage.

This voltage is added to the supply voltage and can reach up to 100V or more but with a very small current.

This energy is then transferred to the 100uF capacitor which charges until its voltage reaches 10V.

At this point, the third transistor is slightly deactivated ensuring stable 10V output.

Formulas and Calculations:

When designing a boost converter circuit, the right parts are usually chosen based on requirements for current, efficiency, input and output voltage ranges, and other desirable characteristics.

The following is a simple formula and design guideline for a circuit including a 1.5V to 10V boost converter:

Calculate Duty Cycle D:

The boost converters duty cycle D may be found by dividing the output voltage Vout by the total of the input and output voltages Vin and Vout.

D = ​Vout​​ / Vin​+Vout

here in our circuit,

D = 10V / 1.5V + 10V ​= 0.8696

Get Inductor Value L:

The following formula may be used to get the inductance value:

L ≥ (Vin​−Vout​) * Vout​​ / f * ΔI


Values of ΔI typically range from 10% to 30% of the average output current.


The components listed above will typically be configured in a boost converter circuit design in order to perform the voltage boosting capability while maintaining stability and efficiency.

Remember that depending on your precise needs and the capabilities of the components you select, the actual component values and particular design elements may change.

To get the desired performance, it is advised to simulate the circuit and make design revisions.

How to Build:

To build a 1.5V To 10V Boost Converter Circuit you need to follow the below mentioned steps for connections:

Connect the Transistors:

Connect the BC337 Transistor:

Voltage Regulation Section:

Potentiometer and Output:

Finalizing Connections:


Important Notes:


A 1.5V to 10V boost converter circuit efficiently increases a low input voltage to a higher output voltage using components like an inductor, diode, capacitor and transistor.

This circuit is valuable in various applications where a higher voltage than the power source is required making it a crucial element in many electronic devices and projects.


How does this 4-transistor DC-DC 1.5V to 9V boost converter work?

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