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Simple Amplifier Circuit using TDA2030

The article discusses how to build a 12 watt amplifier circuit using the IC TDA2030.

The TDA2030 is a widely used integrated circuit IC for audio amplification.

It is a monolithic audio power amplifier in a Pentawatt package designed for use as a low frequency class AB amplifier.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Resistors22k1/4 watt1
680k1/4 watt1
1.8Ω1/4 watt1
4.7k1/4 watt2
Potentiometer22k log1
2.2µF 25V1
10µF 25V1
1000µF 25V1
100µF 40V1
SemiconductorsIntegrated CircuitTDA20301

Utilizing a 24V power source, this amplifier circuit using TDA2030 can deliver an output power of approximately 8W rms into an 8 ohm speaker, maintaining low distortion less than 0.1 percent THD.

When paired with a 4 ohm speaker, the output power increases to around 12 watts rms, with distortion roughly quadrupled albeit still within the lower range.

The circuit is functional with lower output voltages, such as around 9V but this will result in a reduction of the maximum output power.

Incorporating a TDA2030 integrated circuit, this circuit features a contemporary device that offers faster and more basic operation compared to most older counterparts.

Formulas and Calculations:

The voltage gain of a non inverting amplifier circuit may be determined using this formula, which is particularly useful for operational amplifiers with certain configurations:

Gain = (1 + R3 / R2)



R2 4.7k: This indicates that there is 4.7 kilohms of resistance in the resistor that is linked to the inverting input and ground.
R3 4.7k: This indicates that there is a 4.7 kilohm resistance in the resistor that is linked between the output and the resistor at the inverting input.

Using the formula:

R2 = 4.7k and R3 = 4.7k, the gain becomes:

Gain = (1 + 4.7 kΩ / 4.7 kΩ) = (1 + 1) = 2


This specific op amp circuit set up with these resistor settings will increase the input voltage by a factor of two because the gain is 2.

Stated otherwise, if the op amp functions within its linear range, the output voltage will have double the amplitude of the input voltage.

Key Points:

Particularly, non inverting op amp topologies are covered by this formula.

The formula for inverting setups is a little bit different.

In this simplified approach, it is assumed that the op amp itself has a very large open loop gain ideally infinite.

The potential advantage is provided by this formula.

The actual gain in real circuits may vary slightly due to several factors such as op amp characteristics and component tolerances.

How to Build:

Mentioned below is the circuit description:

Power Supply:

Input Stage:

Feedback Network:

Output Stage:

Speaker Connection:

Bypass Capacitors:


This simple amplifier circuit using TDA2030 is a starting point, and values of components may need adjustments based on specific requirements.

Additionally, proper heatsinking for the TDA2030 may be necessary especially if operating at higher power levels.

Always refer to the datasheet of the TDA2030 for detailed information and recommended application circuits.


Design and implementation of a high performance AB-class amplifier using TDA2030

Datasheet TDA2030

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