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Simple Current Limiting Circuit using IC LM317/LM338

The quantity of current that flows to a load, or the item being powered, is controlled by a current limiting circuit that uses an LM317 or LM338 integrated circuit.

By carefully configuring these integrated circuits, voltage regulators can also function as current limiters.

An input voltage Vin from a power source enters the circuit.

Three pins are included on the LM317/LM338: input, output and adjust.

Vin is connected to the input pin.

Connected to the load that will receive a restricted current is the output pin Vout.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

ResistorResistor Rx1
SemiconductorsIC LM317/LM3381Choose either LM317 or LM338 based on your voltage and current requirements

If you have specific values or additional components to include, feel free to provide more details!

The power source provides the input voltage Vin.

Three pins make up the LM317/LM338 IC: input, output, and adjust.

Vin is linked to the input pin.

The load, or the object that will receive the restricted current, is connected to the output pin Vout.

Connected between the adjust pin and the output pin is resistor Rx.

The current limit is determined by this resistor.

The following formula determines the current through the load and, thus the current limit:



The voltage across Rx rises as the current passing through the load gets closer to the current limit established by Rx.

This voltage rise is detected by the LM317/LM338s adjust pin.

In order to maintain a constant voltage across Rx and consequently, a constant current through the load, the LM317/LM338 then lowers the output voltage Vout.

Essentially, the LM317/LM338 controls the current passing through the load by functioning as a variable resistor in a feedback loop.

Here are some additional points to consider:

To make sure that Rx can withstand the current passing through it without overheating, the value must be carefully selected.

The following formula may be used to determine the power wasted by :

P = I2 * R


The greatest output current that the LM317 and LM338 can manage is 1.5 amps and 5 amps, respectively.

The current rating of the LM317/LM338 being utilized will restrict the circuits capacity to limit current.

The graphic specifies a range for the value of Rx (0.8Ω to 1200Ω).

This is due to the possibility of improper operation of the LM317/LM338 if the voltage across the adjust pin is very high or low.


How to Build:

To build a Simple Current Limiting Circuit using IC LM317/LM338 follow the below mentioned steps:

Safety Measures:


An LM317/LM338 current limiting circuit is a useful tool for shielding your gadgets from high current.

You may construct and use this circuit efficiently by choosing your components wisely, taking safety precautions and being aware of the working principles.

When dealing with electronics, do not forget to emphasize safety precautions and refer to the datasheet for precise specifics.


Smartest way to use current limit using LM317?

Datasheet IC LM317

Datasheet IC LM338

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