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Simple LED Flashing Circuit with Arduino Uno

This project Simple LED Flashing Circuit serves as an essential guide to electronics and Arduino programming.

We will learn the fundamentals of hardware configuration and software control by flashing an LED.

Despite its apparent simplicity, this project creates the framework for future initiatives that will be more complicated.

Coding and Explanation:

int ledPin = 13; // Select the pin to which the LED is connected

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Declare the LED pin as output

void loop() {
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn the LED on
  delay(1000); // Wait for one second
  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn the LED off
  delay(1000); // Wait for one second   


Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Arduino Uno board1
Any LED 5mm 20mA1
Resistor 220Ω1
IC 78091

In this basic Arduino project, we will learn how to control an LED by making it blink.

The practice of repeatedly turning on and off an LED in a repeating pattern is known as LED blinking.

In electronics and microcontroller based projects, it is a simple and typical example.

An LED is a semiconductor device that, when a forward moving current flows across it, creates light.

But since LEDs are current sensitive, too much current might harm them.

The resistor safely restricts the amount of current that passes through the LED.

A digital output pin on the Arduino board has two possible settings: HIGH and LOW.

About 5V are produced when it is set to HIGH.

The resistor and voltage work together to generate a current flow that illuminates the LED.

The LED shuts off and the current ceases when the setting is set to LOW.

How to Build:

To build a Simple LED Flashing Circuit with Arduino Uno follow the below mentioned steps connections steps:



To conclude, you have successfully stepped into the world of electronics and programming by using Arduino to flash an LED.

In this project, the basic ideas of hardware and software interaction are demonstrated.

By expanding on this understanding, you may work on increasingly challenging tasks including integrating sensors, operating motors and producing a variety of light patterns.


Simple single-blink then steady-on LED circuit.

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