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12V Battery Level Indicator Circuit using IC LM3914

A 12V battery level indicator circuit using IC LM3914 is an important tool for checking how much power is left in batteries especially in devices that use 12V batteries.

It gives a clear visual display of how charged the battery is helping users take care of their batteries and avoid unexpected power cuts.

The IC LM3914 is a device that can detect different voltage levels and can control a display with 10 LEDs showing the information in either dot mode or bar mode.

This integrated circuit can work with a large range of supply voltages from 3 volts to 25 volts DC.

This circuit has ten LEDs that light up one after the other to show the voltage level, making it great for 12V lead-acid batteries or similar applications.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Resistors56k 1/4 Watt1
18k 1/4 Watt1
4.7k 1/4 Watt1
Preset10k 1
SemiconductorsIC LM39141
SwitchOn/Off Switch for dot or bar mode1
LEDsAny 5mm, 20mA10

The LM3914 chip is used to show different voltage levels by lighting up a series of ten LEDs.

Depending on the input voltage these LEDs can work in two different ways: in DOT mode where only one LED lights up at a time or in BAR mode, where several LEDs can light up at once until a certain voltage is reached.

You can switch between these modes using pin 9 which is the mode selection pin.

When you press switch S1 pin 9 connects to the positive voltage turning on the bar graph mode.

If you do not press the switch pin 9 disconnects and the dot mode is activated instead.

To make sure the 12V input voltage is suitable for the IC1 LM3914s reference input a resistor divider made of resistors R1, VR1 and R3 is used.

The IC1 has an internal reference voltage at pin 7 that sets the voltage levels for when the LEDs will light up.

As the battery voltage changes the LEDs light up accordingly giving a clear and quick visual signal of the current voltage level.


Following formulas can be used for 12V Battery Level Indicator Circuit using IC LM3914:

Input Voltage Scaling:

The input voltage is scaled down to fit the LM3914s operating range.

Vscaled​ = Vinput ​× VR1​​ / R1​ + VR1 ​+ R3​


LED Thresholds:

Each LED represents a fraction of the reference voltage:

VLEDn ​=n × VREF / 10​​


How to Build:

To build a 12V Battery Level Indicator Circuit using IC LM3914 follow the below mentioned connections steps to design your own circuit:


The 12V Battery Level Indicator Circuit using IC LM3914 is a simple and efficient way to keep an eye on battery voltage.

The LED bar graph gives you a clear visual display, which is super helpful for devices that run on batteries.

This circuit is dependable, easy to build and does not need a lot of parts.

If you learn how it works and use the right formulas you can tweak the circuit to fit different voltage levels or uses.


LM3914: Battery monitor design for 12V to 14V

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