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Simple High Current Battery Charger Circuit

This high current battery charger circuit is a simple yet effective with automatic cut off at a preset voltage.

The TIP35 transistor acts as a voltage follower ensuring that the charging voltage is stable and constant making it suitable for charging high capacity lead acid batteries.

What is a High Current Battery Charger Circuit:

A high current battery charger circuit is designed to deliver a significant amount of current to quickly charge a rechargeable battery.

The design of such a circuit depends on the type of battery being charged e.g. lead acid, lithium-ion and the desired charging characteristics

Circuit Components:

Parts List:

Resistor50Ω 2W Resistor1
SemiconductorsIC 7815 Voltage Regulator1
TIP35 Transistor1
Other12V Lead Acid Battery1

IC 7815 Voltage Regulator:

TIP35 NPN Power Transistor:

Lead-Acid Battery:


Designing a high current battery charger circuit involves a few key formulas:

  1. Charging Current:

This is determined by the capacity (Ah rating) of the battery and the suggested charging rate supplied by the battery manufacturer.

Using 0.1 times the Ah rating for the charging current is a safe rule of thumb.

Therefore, a typical charging current for a 100Ah battery would be:

Charging Current (A) = 0.1 * Battery Capacity (Ah)

2. Resistor for Current Limiting (Simple Circuits):

In basic circuits using a regulator IC like the LM317, a resistor controls the charging current.

Resistor (Ω) = 1.25 / Charging Current (A)

3. Charging Time (Estimated):

This provides you with an approximate estimate of the battery charging time.

Recall that this is an estimate and does not take charging inefficiencies into consideration.

Charging Time (hours) = Battery Capacity (Ah) / Charging Current (A)

Circuit Operation:

The 18V DC power source is connected to the Vin pin of the IC 7815 voltage regulator.

The IC 7815 regulates this input voltage to a constant +15V DC.

The +15V DC output from the IC 7815 is connected to the base B of the TIP35 transistor.

The IC 7815 provides a stable reference voltage for the TIP35.

The TIP35 transistor is configured as a voltage follower circuit.

The collector C of the TIP35 is connected to the positive side of the 18V DC power source.

The emitter E is connected to the positive terminal of the lead acid battery.

When the IC 7815 provides a constant +15V at its output, it biases the TIP35 into conduction.

The voltage at the emitter of the TIP35 follows the voltage at its base which is the regulated +15V from the IC 7815.

The voltage drop across the TIP35 transistor is typically around 0.7V so the output voltage at the emitter is approximately 14.3V 15V to 0.7V.

The 14.3V output from the TIP35 is used to charge the lead acid battery.

Since the voltage is constant the charging current is also constant.

When the battery voltage reaches 14.3V, the charging current is automatically cut off as the voltage at the emitter of the TIP35 is no longer higher than the battery voltage.

How to Build:

The following explanation provides a step by step guide regarding how to build this high current battery charger circuit.



Safety Precautions:


Always refer to the datasheets of the components used IC 7815 and TIP35 for detailed specifications and recommended operating conditions.

Adjustments may be needed based on the specific characteristics of the components you have.

If in doubt, please comment below for an expert advice.


Lead–acid battery

Datasheet 7815

Datasheet TIP35

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