A zapper circuit is a circuit that generates a specified frequency electrical current for therapeutic reasons, using a IC 555 integrated circuit.
This circuit is often known as the Hulda Clark zapper version which was designed in the year 2003.
Circuit Working:
Parts List:
Category | Description | Quantity | Wattage |
Resistors | 1k, 3.3k | 2 each | 1/4 watt |
Capacitors | Ceramic 4.7nF | 1 | |
Ceramic 10nF | 1 | ||
Semiconductors | IC 555 | 1 | |
LED Red 5mm 20mA | 1 | ||
Other Components | Copper tubes as probes | 2 |
It is crucial to realize that a number of medical experts have publicly refuted Hulda Clarks allegations regarding zappers.
The claims made about zappers ability to heal or cure ailments are unsupported by scientific data.
Actually, it might not be safe to use a zapper and could have unexpected health consequences.
But if you are looking forward to experiment this circuit, than below are circuit working details:
A 9V powers the circuit a multivibrator that is astable is how the 555 IC is configured.
This indicates that at a particular frequency, it produces a square wave output signal.
Capacitor C1 and resistor R2 values in the timing circuit influence the frequency of the output signal.
We may assume that the frequency in this circuit is in the tens of kilohertz.
To debounce the output signal, use capacitor C2 and resistor R3.
When a digital circuit switches between states, there may occasionally be brief spikes or glitches that can be eliminated via debouncing.
To show that the circuit is powered on visually, resistor R1 and red LED are employed.
The zapper uses the copper tubes as electrodes, a users body receives the square wave signal from the circuit when they grasp the copper tubes.
Once more, before utilizing a zapper it is crucial to speak with a medical practitioner.
Zappers may be dangerous to use, and there is no scientific proof to back up the claims that they can treat or cure any illnesses.
With the IC 555 we want to build an astable multivibrator circuit that may be used for a Hulda Clark Zapper.
Our goal is to produce a square wave output with precise frequency and duty cycle characteristics.
The circuits and the necessary formula may be built up as follows:
Formula for Frequency (f):
In the astable mode of the IC 555, the values of the resistor R and capacitor C define the oscillation frequency f:
f = 1.44 / (R1 + 2R2) *C
- The resistors attached to the IC 555 are R1 and R2.
- There is a timing capacitor C.
Duty Cycle:
The output waveforms duty cycle D is determined by the following formula, which expresses the ratio of the outputs high ON to low OFF times.
D = R2 / R1 + 2R2
To get the appropriate frequency and duty cycle characteristics for the Hulda Clark Zapper circuit, make any required adjustments to these parameters.
As with any electronic therapies, make sure you take the necessary precautions and think about reviewing the applicable recommendations.
How to Build:
To build a Simple Hulda Clark Zapper Circuit follow the below mentioned steps for connections:
- Assemble all the components mentioned in the above diagram.
- Connect pin 1 of IC 555 to ground.
- Connect pin 2 to pin 6 of IC 555.
- Connect a capacitor C1 from pin 2 and pin 6 to ground.
- Connect pin 3 of IC 555 to one copper tube through a resistor R4, and other copper tube to ground.
- Connect pin 4 of IC 555 to positive supply of IC 555.
- Connect pin 5 of IC 555 to capacitor C2 to ground.
- Connect a resistor R3 between pin 6 and pin 7 of IC 555.
- Connect a resistor R2 to positive supply of 9V through pin 7 of IC 555.
- Connect pin 8 of IC 555 to positive supply of 9V.
- Connect from pin 3 of IC 555 to ground a resistor R1 and a red LED.
Important Note:
- As previously stated, there is no scientific evidence to support the efficacy of zappers.
- Experts in medicine advise against using zappers because of possible health hazards.
- You should definitely speak with a doctor before employing a zapper circuit.
There are zapper circuits that use IC 555, but it is important to keep in mind that there is not any scientific proof for the purported health advantages of these.
Because of safety issues medical authorities advise against using zappers.
Prioritize seeking medical advice from a doctor if you are thinking about getting a zapper.