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Bass Treble Tone Control Circuit using a Single Transistor

This circuit is a basic one transistor bass and treble control circuit using a BC547 transistor.

It is a simple tone control circuit that allows you to adjust, the bass and treble levels in an audio signal.

What is Bass Treble Tone Control Circuit:

It is an electronic circuit in which the maximum bass setting amplifies all frequencies below 100Hz to achieve a bass boost, while the maximum treble setting involves cutting all frequencies below 500Hz to shape the treble response.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Resistors10k CFR 1/4 W1
2.2M CFR 1/4 W1
100k CFR 1/4 W2
CapacitorsCeramic 1000pF2
Ceramic 0.01µF2
Electrolytic 10µF 25V2
SemiconductorsTransistor BC5471

BC547 Transistor:

Treble Control Network:

Bass Control Network:



Frequency Response:


Control tone in the bass and treble:

Two filter stages usually make up these circuits: a low pass filter for bass boost/cut and a high pass filter for treble boost/cut.

You can change the relative focus on low and high frequencies by adjusting the way each stage manipulates the audio signal using capacitors and resistors.

Response Filter:

The following formula for a first order RC filter can be used to approximate the frequency response of each filter stage:

High Pass Filter (Treble):

fc = 1 / (2 * π * R * C)


Crucial Information:

The cutoff frequencies are approximated by these formulas.

Interactions and component tolerances within the circuit can affect the filters real response.

Potentiometers are commonly used by the bass and treble controls to adjust the resistor values R in the filter stages.

By doing this, the desired frequencies are efficiently cut or amplified by altering the cutoff frequencies.

How it is Build:

Constructing the described single transistor bass treble control circuit involves the below mentioned steps:

Place the BC547 Transistor:

Connect the Base Resistor:

Add the Treble Control Network:

Include the Bass Control Network:

Connect the Power Supply:

Connect the Output:



Remember, the specific resistor values for the base resistor and any other values not specified in the original description may need to be determined based on your specific design goals and the characteristics of the components you are using.

Always double check your connections and component values before applying power to the circuit.


What is Bass and Treble?

Treble (sound)


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