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Buck Converter Circuit for 1 Watt LED Driver

Think you have a hose with strong water pressure 12V, but your plant needs a gentle sprinkle 3.3 to 3.5V. A buck converter circuit is like a fancy adapter for your hose.

It takes the strong pressure and lowers it to the perfect level for your plant.

This circuit also makes sure the water flow current is just right so your plant does not get flooded.

This way, it keeps your LED nice and bright without burning it out.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Resistors10k, 330Ω, 1k, 100Ω, 390Ω, 1Ω (1/4 watt each)1 each
100k (1/4 watt)2
Preset 2k1
CapacitorsCeramic 1nF1
Ceramic 330pF1
Electrolytic 100μF 25V1
SemiconductorsTransistors BC5473
Transistor BC3271
Diode UF40041
Inductor10mH with 70 turns of 0.25mm wire wound around its core1

This buck converter circuit is designed to power a 1 watt white LED using a 12V power supply delivering a constant current of 300mA.

It utilizes a BC327 transistor as the driver and a 10mH inductor with 70 turns of 0.25mm wire wound around its core.

The LED operate at a voltage between 3.3V and 3.5V.

To measure the LED current a 1 ohm resistor R8 is used with a voltage drop of 300mV corresponding to a 300mA LED current.

The diode in the circuit must be high speed using a non high speed diode can increase the current by 50mA.

This circuit is considered optimal because it avoids current spike through the LED.

To increase the maximum current the 390 ohm resistor must be slightly reduced.


A buck converter circuits efficiency, operating frequency, and component selection are some of the factors to be taken into account while designing a circuit to drive a one watt LED.

The following basic outline and essential formula will assist you in comprehending and creating such a circuit:

Output Voltage Vout:

Vout ​= Vin​×(D / 1−D​)


Duty Cycle D:

D = ​Vout​​ / Vin​+Vout

Inductor Current IL:

The following may be used to estimate average inductor current:

IL​=​Vout​ *(1−D) / ​L*Ton


Switching Frequency f:

f = 1 / T​ = ​Vin​​ / L *(Vin​−Vout​)*IL


The basis for creating a buck converter circuit for a 1 Watt LED driver is provided by these formulas

The precise voltage and current requirements of your LED and input power source will determine the details of your calculations and component choices.

How to Build:

To build a Buck Converter Circuit for 1 Watt LED Driver you need to follow the below mentioned steps for connections:

Safety Note:


To conclude, a buck converter circuit for a 1 watt LED driver efficiently steps down a higher input voltage to the lower voltage required by the LED, while also regulating the output current to ensure safe and constant operation of the LED.


Buck converter LED driver circuit

Efficient 1 watt Led circuit

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