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Easy DIY Timer Alarm Circuit with 555 IC

One of the most widely used and adaptable integrated circuits in electronics is the IC 555.

It can function in a number of modes, including bistable, astable and monostable configurations.

In this project, we will use the IC 555 in monostable mode to build a easy DIY timer alarm circuit.

With this circuit, you may program a timer to run for a specified amount of time, after which a buzzer or alarm will sound.

When it comes to chores that need timed reminders, this can be helpful.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

CapacitorsCeramic 0.1µF1
Electrolytic 470µF1
SemiconductorsIC 5551
SwitchesOn/Off switch5
Push button (start switch)1

The IC 555 is in its idle state when SW1 is used to turn on the circuit.

One of the switches SW3 to SW6 is closed to select the required timing period.

This joins the timing circuit to the matching resistor.

The IC 555 is activated by grounding its TRIG pin (pin 2) when the Start switch SW2 is pressed.

Through the chosen resistor, the capacitor C2 begins to charge.

The buzzer remains silent throughout the timing interval because the IC 555 output pin 3 becomes high.

The buzzer is triggered by the IC 555 output going low when the capacitor has charged to two thirds of the supply voltage.

Press the Start switch once again after choosing a new timing interval or turning off the power to reset the timer.

Formulas and Constructions:

Below mentioned are the formula and calculations for Timer Alarm Circuit using IC 555.

The timing duration T for the circuit can be calculated using the formula:

T = 1.1 × R × C



For R = 470 kΩ and C = 470 µF

T = 1.1 × 470,000 × 470 × 10^-6 = 242.99 seconds = 4.04 minutes.

How to Build:

To build a Easy DIY Timer Alarm Circuit with 555 IC you need to follow the below mentioned steps for connections and assembling:


The IC 555 is used in this easy DIY timer alarm circuit, which is very practical for timing purposes and easy to build.

You can adjust the timing duration to your requirements by changing the resistors and capacitors.

For those who are new to electronics, this project is ideal for learning how the IC 555 operates in monostable mode and investigating its practical uses.


Circuit diagram of a 555 timer-based alarm circuit 

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