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Simple Battery Status Indicator Circuit using Flashing LED

Monitoring battery charge levels may be done efficiently using a simple circuit that uses flashing LEDs as a battery status indicator.

A BC547 and BC557 transistor are used in this circuit, along with resistors, capacitors, a diode and an LED.

The circuit uses an LED to visually indicate the batteries condition by creating a pattern of flashing lights.

It uses a 6 to 12V battery to run, and it offers a simple and easy way to check the health of the battery and guarantee dependable functioning.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

120k1/4 watt1
5.6k1/4 watt1
33k1/4 watt1
680k1/4 watt1
100k1/4 watt1
180Ω1/4 watt1
220Ω1/4 watt2
Preset 4.7k1
Electrolytic 4.7μF 25V(kindly note C2 in diagram is also 4.7μF capacitor mistakenly written as 47μF)2
Transistor BC5471
Transistor BC5571
Diode BAT46(or any Schottky diode)1
LED5mm 20mA1

An LED in this circuit will keep blinking as long as the battery that has to be checked has a voltage higher than the predetermined level.

An astable multivibrator that is complimentary is created by wiring the transistors Q1 and Q2.

The voltage range that the circuit can run on is 6V to 12V.

It is possible to select the voltage level at which the LED must cease flashing by modifying the preset VR1.

The frequency of flashing reduces as the battery voltage approaches the threshold, and the LED turns off when the voltage drops below it.

The diode D1 is employed to offset temperature related variations in Q1s base emitter voltage.


A basic battery status indicator circuit with flashing LEDs would typically make use of the following formulas:

LED Resistor Calculations:

You can use ohms law to figure out the right resistor value for the LED:

R = Vsource​−VLED​​ / ILED​


Voltage Divider:

A voltage divider to reduce the battery voltage in order to measure in the circuit diagram R1 and R2, then the formula is:

Vout​ = Vin​× R2 / R1+R2


These formulas helps in circuit design so that the LED flashes at the appropriate pace and uses the battery voltage appropriately.

How to Build:

To build a Simple Battery Status Indicator Circuit using Flashing LED follow the below mentioned steps for connections:


An easy way to keep an eye on battery levels is using this simple circuit for a battery status indicator that uses a blinking LED.

This technique improves battery management by alerting when replacement or recharging is necessary and is useful for rapid inspections.

It is a useful option for many electrical applications due to its simple design and simple implementation.


Low battery indicator with LED

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