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Simple Emergency Lamp Circuit using IC LM358

A simple yet highly effective emergency lamp circuit that uses the integrated circuit LM358 serves as an essential apparatus for providing backup illumination during instances of power outages.

The circuit design presented herein is a multifunctional emergency lighting solution that guarantees consistent and automatic lighting in the event of a power disruption.

Central to this circuit is the LM358 operational amplifier, which plays a pivotal role in sensing the occurrence of power failures and subsequently managing the operation of the lamp.

To energize this circuit, a 12V battery should be utilized as the power source.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

ComponentValue/TypeQuantityPower Rating
100k41/4 Watt
3.9k21/4 Watt
470Ω11/4 Watt
100Ω11/4 Watt
220Ω11/2 Watt
Ceramic Capacitor0.01µF1
Electrolytic Cap.10µF 25V2
Other Components

The circuit above uses operational amplifiers chip called the IC LM358.

The amplifier IC1 acts like an oscillator and works as a comparator.

It creates a pulse signal that can make something flash or stay on depending on where switch S1 is set.

Its job is to control the switching of two transistors Q1 2N2222 and Q2 TIP32.

The resistor R1 is key for setting the oscillation frequency of the integrated circuit IC1

At the same time R5 is crucial for controlling the base current that goes into the transistor Q1.

R6 also has an important job it limits the current that goes to the base of transistor Q2 making sure it turns on and off correctly.

R7 helps keep the circuit stable while also controlling the current flow.

Resistors R8 and R9 work together to form a voltage divider, which is necessary for biasing the integrated circuit.

Capacitor C2 is responsible for smoothing out the signal, which helps with the timing functions in the circuit.

For power supply stability capacitor C3 plays a vital role in reducing voltage changes ensuring everything runs smoothly.

The switch S1 can change between Dim and Flash modes controlling how the emergency lamp works by affecting IC1 which acts as an oscillator.

The potentiometer VR1 is used to adjust the sensitivity of the operational amplifier integrated circuit which is important for setting the voltage level that decides when the emergency lamp turns on or off.

When the main power is on the battery stays ready and the lamp does not light up.

But if the power goes out the circuit can sense the drop in voltage.

This causes Q2 to turn on which automatically lights up the 12V lamp.

Formulas with Calculations:

Below mentioned are the formulas with calculations for Simple Emergency Lamp Circuit using IC LM358:

Oscillation Frequency Calculation IC1:

The frequency of the oscillator circuit using IC1a is determined by the resistor-capacitor network:

f = 1 / (2π × √(R1 × C1 × C2))


R1 is 100kΩ
C1 is 0.01µF
C2 is 10µF

f = 1 / (2 × 3.1416 × √(100,000 × 0.01 × 10 × 10⁻⁶))

= 1 / (6.2832 × √(0.01))

= 1 / (6.2832 × 0.1)

= 1 / 0.6283

= 1.59 Hz

Transistor Base Current Calculation Q1 & Q2 Switching:

The base current of transistor Q1 2N2222 is calculated as follows:

I_B = (V_out – V_BE) / R5



I_B = (12 – 0.7) / 470

= 11.3 / 470

= 24mA

Collector Current Calculation for Q2 TIP32 Driving the Lamp:

The collector current for Q2 is determined by:

I_C = β × I_B



I_C = 100 × 0.024

= 2.4A

Since the lamp requires 2A this transistor is suitable for switching it.

Power Dissipation in Resistor R6 220Ω 1/2W:

Power dissipation in a resistor is given by:

P = I² × R


I = 24mA = 0.024A

R6 = 220Ω


P = (0.024)² × 220

= 0.000576 × 220

= 0.127W

Since, R6 is rated at 1/2W (0.5W) it is well within safe operating limits.

How to Build:

To build a Simple Emergency Lamp Circuit using IC LM358 following steps are required for connections of the circuit:


This Simple Emergency Lamp Circuit using IC LM358 gives you automatic backup lighting and can even flash if you want it to.

It uses an LM358 op-amp to sense when the light is out and control the system, plus transistors to help switch things on and off.

This design is perfect for DIY electronics fans who want an easy and effective way to create emergency lights.


Datasheet IC LM358

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