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Simple Footstep Electricity Generator Circuit using Piezo Transducer

A piezoelectric transducer is used in the Simple Footstep power Generator Circuit to transform the pressure from your footsteps into a tiny quantity of power.

The term ‘piezoelectric effect’ refers to a materials capacity to produce electric charges when mechanical stress is applied to a piezoelectric plate.

Squeezing specific crystals will therefore cause electricity to flow through them.

To complete this circuit the components like: Piezoelectric transducer, Bridge rectifier, Capacitor, Resistor, and LED are used.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Resistor 1/4 watt1k1
CapacitorElectrolytic 47μF 25V1
SemiconductorsBridge Rectifier 1N41484
Diode 1N41481
LED red 5mm 20mA1
Push button1
Piezo element1

The piezo sensor is the circuits heart:

A unique part of our circuit known as a piezoelectric sensor is necessary.

This sensor, which is commonly composed of quartz crystal, functions similarly to a small fuel free power plant by applying pressure.

Its interior structure becomes strained when you compress it, and it reacts by exploding with electricity.

Why we require a bridge rectifier for AC to DC:

The electricity produced by the piezo sensor is not the same as the energy that emerges from a wall socket.

Engineers refer to the continuous back and forth switching as AC (alternating current).

We must use a complete bridge rectifier to convert it to DC (direct current) so that it may be used with our LED.

Reversers can be thought of as gatekeepers that restrict the direction in which current can travel.

Energy storage the capacitor comes into play:

Each push produces a very little quantity of electricity, similar to a tiny spark.

We utilize a capacitor to extend the LEDs light source.

This stores the brief electrical bursts from the sensor until we need them, much like a miniature battery.

Turning on the push button and the LED:

The LED is the main attraction!

The capacitor releases the stored charge when the button is pressed, and the electricity passes through the LED to light it up.

The little capacitor, however, means that the LED will only illuminate for a brief period of time.

Increasing its durability juggling time and charge:

To extend the lifespan of the LED, there are a few tips.

A larger capacitor might be used, but it would take longer for it to charge with each push.

An further choice is to link several piezo sensors in series, which would basically combine all of their small power outputs together.

Maintaining order resistor and diodes:

In order to ensure that the current only goes from the capacitor to the LED and not back to the sensor the diode serves a supporting function.

By restricting the amount of current that enters the circuit and shielding the LED, the resistor functions similarly to a safety valve.

Straight connection the significance of the capacitor:

Even if you could attach the LED straight to the sensor, it would only briefly light up.

The brief burst of power from each push would not be sufficient to keep the LED lighted for a discernible amount of time if there was no capacitor to store the current.


You may use the following formulas for circuit design to make a Footstep Electricity Generator Circuit with a Piezo Transducer and the specified components:

LED Current Calculation:

Apply ohms law to determine the current passing through the LED when the push button is pressed:

I = Vcc​−VLED​​ / R



Make that the resistor value (usually 20mA for normal LEDs) limits the current to a safe level and that Vcc is adequate to power the LED.

When the push button is hit, this simple circuit design uses the mechanical energy of footsteps which the piezo element transforms into electrical energy to briefly light up an LED.

Depending on the precise voltage levels and component specifications utilized in your particular arrangement, adjustments could be required.

How to Build:

To build a Simple Footstep Electricity Generator Circuit using Piezo Transducer following are the below mentioned steps:

Safety Measures:


This simple footstep electricity generator circuit produces a little electrical burst by compressing a piezo sensor AC.

We transform it into DC electricity that is useable and temporarily store it in a capacitor.

This stored energy is released by pressing a button, which lights an LED.

This low power demonstration demonstrates how routine motions may serve as a sustainable energy source.


Study on footstep power generation using piezoelectric tile

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