A Tesla coil is a device that generates high voltage and low current energy, this mini tesla coil circuit is a scaled down version of the original tesla coil.
You may light up little things or produce tiny sparks using mini tesla coils, which are usually powered by a 9V battery or another low voltage source.
Circuit Working:

Parts List:
Category | Item | Quantity |
Resistor | 22k | 1 |
Semiconductors | Transistor 2N2222 | 1 |
Red LED 5mm 20mA | 1 | |
ON/OFF Switch | 1 | |
Coil on super enameled copper wire primary winding 6 turns, secondary 275 turns | 1 | |
Power Source | Battery 9V | 1 |
There are two stages to this basic small tesla coil circuit: a switching portion and a step up winding configuration section.
The primary winding, or coil L1 of a single transistor 2N2222 is linked to the Q1 transistors collector terminal to function as a switching device.
L1 therefore serves as a component that induces magnetic flux.
Tesla coil winding setup is a crucial component of this little tesla coil circuit, set it up before moving on with the circuit.
In this circuit we utilized 3 inches and a half feet of PVC pipe (size may vary somewhat) and a primary coil constructed of conducting wire (use the insulated wire used to create the circuit) to do that.
We also needed non conductive cylindrical material.
Make six rounds for the main winding once the secondary winding is finished.
In this case, we used 22 SWG enameled copper wire for the secondary winding, resulting in 275 turns around the PVC pipe.
The secondary coils open side wire is linked to the transistor base on one side and left unconnected on the other.
The Q1 transistors primary coil and base terminal are powered by the battery through a switch.
It is important to add a R1 resistor to the base terminal.
A red LED can be connected between the negative supply and the base to show the oscillating pulse level.
The batteries negative supply is linked to the emitter terminal, while the L1 coil is connected to the collector terminal, the base terminal is linked to the L2 coil.
When we apply power to this circuit Q1 remains in the off state at first.
Coil L1 then receives power due to the threshold level supply flow on the base, and Q1 gradually turns ON and completes the power supply flow of L1 coil.
We know that whenever the coil receives power it will produce magnetic flux and as a result because L2 coil has more turns than L1 coil, it also induces magnetic flux which causes high voltage.
This cycle continues until there is a power source present in the circuit.
EMF through L2 causes more supply to appear at the base terminal, which causes Transistor Q1 to become active.
This also causes the maximum power connected to the battery negative supply through L1 coil to decrease, which causes the power supply through R1 resistor to base to drop and Q1 to reach a saturated condition.
Several equations and electrical engineering concepts are needed to build a Tesla coil.
The following important formulas which are frequently used:
The primary and secondary resonance frequencies of the Tesla coil are:
The following can be used to approximate the primary coils resonance frequency f:
f = 1 / 2π√LCp
- The capacitance of the main capacitor is denoted by Cp, whereas L represents the inductance of the primary coil.
The resonant frequency f for the secondary coil may be obtained as follows:
f = 1 / 2π√Ls(Cs+Ct)
- A capacitively loaded top terminal are frequently used to produce the top capacitance.
- Ls is the secondary coils inductance
- Cs is its self capacitance and
- Ct is its top capacitance.
The coils inductance:
An approximate formula for the inductance L of a coil with N turns, length L and radius R is:
L = N2* μ0 * A / l
- The permeability of free space is represented by μ0 ( 4𝜋×1 0−7 H/m) and the coils cross sectional area is represented by A, assuming that the coil is cylindrical.
Although making a Tesla coil necessitates careful consideration of additional issues including safety, insulation, and construction materials, these formulas serve as a basis for understanding and developing Tesla coils.
How to Build:
To build a Mini Tesla Coil Circuit follow the below mentioned steps:
- Gather the necessary components as mentioned in circuit diagram above.
- Connect transistor Q1 collector to primary winding of coil L1, connect transistor Q1 base to 9V positive supply of battery through resistor R1 and ON/OFF switch, connect emitter of transistor Q1 to ground.
- Connect a LED red to ground through base of transistor Q1.
- Connect coils L1 primary winding between resistor R1 and ON/OFF switch.
- Connect secondary winding coils L2 between transistors Q1 base and red LED.
- Connect positive supply of 9V battery to ON/OFF switch, and negative supply of 9V battery to ground.
Safety Notes:
- Small Tesla coils have tiny currents, yet they may nonetheless generate significant voltages.
- When tinkering with these circuits caution is crucial.
- When the circuit is on, stay away from the coils and do not let kids or dogs play with them.
A fantastic project for science fans or anybody interested in learning more about the intriguing world of Tesla coils is building a small Tesla coil circuit.
But always put safety first by adhering to suggested circuit layouts and keeping your distance from the coils when they are switched on.
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