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IC LM35 Temperature Indicator Circuit

Keeping track of temperature is important for a lot of things, but sometimes you do not need a fancy computer to do it.

This guide shows you how to build a simple temperature sensor with an LED light using a common chip called the IC LM35.

It only uses a few parts and does not need a complicated microcontroller.

The light will turn on if it gets too hot or too cold depending on how you set it up.

This circuit runs on a basic 5V power supply like from a USB charger.

Circuit Construction:

Parts List:

Resistors10k31/4 W CFR
1k31/4 W CFR
SemiconductorsTransistor BC5472
1CLM351Assuming this is a typo, it’s corrected to LM35
Preset 10k1
LEDsRed 20mA 5mm1
Green 20mA 5mm1

Below are the circuit constructions details:

Working Principle:


Below are some basic formula to enhance the technical aspects of the LM35 temperature indicator LED circuit.

The LM35 temperature sensor outputs a voltage linearly proportional to the celsius temperature.

The LM35 provides an output voltage Vout​ that is directly proportional to the temperature T:

Vout = 10 × T


Temperature is immediately converted into a proportional voltage by the calibrated integrated circuit known as the LM35.

Because of this, it is a practical and simple to use sensor for a range of temperature measuring uses.


Vout and T have a linear connection, as indicated by the proportionality constant (10).

There is a 10 mV increase in output voltage for every 1°C increase in temperature.

Only the LM35 sensors operational temperature range typically between -55°C and 150°C, depending on the model is covered by the calculation.

You may rewrite the formula to convert the output voltage Vout to temperature T:

T = Vout / 10 (in °C)

To function, the LM35 needs a power supply voltage, usually 5V.

In relation to ground, the output voltage Vout is measured.


To conclude, this LM35 temperature indicator LED circuit offers a simple yet effective solution for temperature sensing without the need for complex microcontroller based systems.

The incorporation of adjustable components such as the variable resistor enhances the circuits versatility, making it suitable for various temperature specific applications in industrial settings.


LM35 Precision Centigrade Temperature Sensors

How does the LM35 Temperature sensor work?

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