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Simple Micro Flasher Circuit using IC CD 4093

A simple micro flasher circuit using the CD 4093 integrated circuit is an easy way to make an LED blink perfect for many indicator uses.

This circuit takes advantage of the CD 4093 IC, which has four NAND Schmitt trigger gates.

It runs on a 6V battery and only needs a few extra parts making it very efficient.

The cool flashing effect happens because one of the NAND gates keeps turning the LED on and off at a steady rate.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Resistors 1/4 watt330k, 330Ω 1 each
CapacitorsElectrolytic 10µF 25V2
ICCD 40931
LEDAny 5mm 20mA1
Power Source6V Battery1

The CD 4093 chip has four Schmitt-trigger NAND gates, but in this circuit we only use one gate to create a signal that keeps changing.

First, we set up a timing network using a capacitor C1 and a resistor R1.

These two parts work together to control how fast the signal oscillates.

The decoupling capacitor C2 helps keep the power supply steady.

When we turn on the power, the capacitor starts to fill up with electricity through the resistor R1.

Once the voltage on the capacitor hits a certain level the NAND gate changes its output.

To make sure the capacitor can discharge properly and keep the oscillation going, we added a diode D1 to the circuit.

The changing output then powers an LED1, which makes it blink in a cool way.

The LED1 is linked in a series with a resistor R2 to control the amount of current flowing through it.

The speed of the LEDs blinking depends on the values of R1 and C1 and we can change these values to make the LED flash at different rates.

Formulas with Calculations:

Below mentioned are the formulas with calculations for Simple Micro Flasher Circuit using IC CD 4093:

The oscillation frequency (f) of the circuit is determined using the RC time constant formula:

f = 1 / (1.38 * R1 * C1)


Substituting the given values:

R1 = 330kΩ = 330,000Ω

C1 = 10µF = 10 × 10⁻⁶ F

f = 1 / (1.38 * 330,000 * 10 × 10⁻⁶) f = 0.22 Hz

This means the LED blinks approximately once every 4.5 seconds.

If a faster blinking rate is needed reducing R1 or C1 will increase the frequency.

How to Build:

To build a Simple Micro Flasher Circuit using IC CD 4093 following steps are required for connections of the circuit:


This Simple Micro Flasher Circuit using IC CD 4093 is a easy and efficient method to make an LED blink using just one Schmitt trigger NAND gate from the CD 4093 integrated circuit.

It is simple to build uses very little power and you can change the flashing speed by tweaking the values of R1 and C1.

This feature makes it perfect for use in indicators, alarms or devices that need low power signals.


IC CD 4093 Datasheet

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