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Simple Ornamental Flashing LEDs Circuit

This is a special circuit that makes LEDs blink in pretty patterns.

It uses a tiny timer chip to control the blinking on and off.

You can use these blinking LEDs for decorations, art or to get peoples attention.

By changing how fast and in what order the LEDs blink you can create different designs and effects.

This makes things look nicer.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Resistors10k11/4 watt
1M11/4 watt
470Ω11/4 watt
100Ω11/4 watt
CapacitorsCeramic 10nF1
Electrolytic 1µF 25V1
Electrolytic 220µF 16V1
SemiconductorsIC 5551
LEDsRed 5mm 20mA3
Green 5mm 20mA3
Yellow 5mm 20mA3

This circuit is designed to create ornamental displays by flashing three sets of LEDs at different rates.

It is based on a simple astable multivibrator using the popular IC 555 timer IC.

The output frequency is determined by resistors R1 and R2 along with capacitor C1.

Initially, the circuit causes red LEDs to light up when the output is high.

As capacitor C3 charges, yellow LEDs then light up with the delay depending on C3s value.

When the astable output goes low, green LEDs light up drawing current from the capacitor.

This rapid cycling allows for different flashing levels.

To reduce the intensity of the green LEDs simply reduce their number to one.


The following formula can be used to determine the flashing frequency for the IC 555 in its astable mode:

Frequency (f): f = 1.44 / (R1 + 2R2) × C



Using the IC 555 chip, this basic design will produce an elegant LED flashing sequence that is both easy and effective.

Modify the elements to suit your own design specifications and tastes.

How to Build:

To build a Simple Ornamental Flashing LEDs Circuit you need to follow the below mentioned connections steps:



An ornamental flashing LEDs circuit is a simple yet effective way to create visually appealing light patterns using LEDs.

By utilizing a timer IC and controlling the timing and sequence of the flashing a wide range of decorative effects can be achieved making it a versatile choice for adding aesthetic appeal to various projects and displays.


Flashing light circuit

Datasheet IC 555

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