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How to Build a 12V Regulated Power Supply Circuit

Imagine all the cool electronic devices you use need clean, steady power to work right.

That is what a stable power supply does.

This article shows you how to build a simple power supply using a part called a zener diode.

This kind of supply is good for projects that need a constant 12V and can handle a decent amount of power.

What is a 12V Regulated Power Supply Circuit:

A 12V regulated power supply circuit is an electronic circuit that converts an input voltage which can vary to a stable and regulated output voltage of 12V.

This type of circuit is commonly used to power various electronic devices and components that require a stable and reliable source of 12V DC power.

The regulation ensures that the output voltage remains constant even when the input voltage or load conditions change.

Circuit Description

Component List:

Resistors (all 1/4 W CFR)
10Ω /1W1
1k /0.5W1
560Ω /0.5W1
Electrolytic 470µF/16V1
Electrolytic 100µF/16V2
Diode 1N40074
Zener Diode 12V 1W1
LED Green 3.3V 20mA1
Transistor TIP35C1

The key component in this circuit is the Zener diode, which operates in the Zener breakdown region when in reverse bias.

The Zener diode provides a reference voltage and the transistor Q1 function as a variable resistor with its resistance varying with the base current.

The regulated output voltage (Vout) can be calculated using the following formula:

Vout = Vz − VBE


The formula is essential for comprehending the voltage relationship in circuits using transistors or other components where the base emitter voltage drop VBE affects the output voltage Vout.

It is crucial for circuit analysis and design, particularly for uses where exact voltage levels are important.

Advantages and Disadvantages



Construction Details:

Begin by obtaining at least 15V AC input using a step down transformer.

Convert the AC supply into DC by employing a bridge rectifier module or four 1N4007 diodes arranged in a bridge configuration.

The DC supply is then filtered using a capacitor C1 to smoothen the voltage.

An LED can be included to indicate the presence of the power supply.

To provide the VBC supply to transistor Q1 connect a series combination of resistor R3 and capacitor C2 between the positive and negative supply lines.

Transistor Q1 base terminal is connected to a reverse biased 12V Zener diode ZD1.

ZD1 ensures a constant voltage Zener breakdown at the transistors base, which is responsible for the regulated output voltage.

By changing the Zener diodes rating different output voltage levels can be achieved catering to various application requirements.

Components Working

Zener Diode ZD1

Transistor Q1 – TIP35C


The 12V Regulated Power Supply Circuit using a Zener Diode offers a best and cost effective solution for achieving stable voltage regulation in electronic circuits.

By understanding the principles involved and following the construction guide, you can tailor this circuit to meet your specific voltage requirements.

It is essential to choose the appropriate Zener diode and transistor components to ensure the desired output voltage and current handling capacity.

While this circuit is suitable for various application, it is important to consider its limitations in terms of power output and efficiency for more demanding projects.


Regulated Power Supply

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