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Simple LED Strobe Light Circuit

This guide shows you how to build a flashing LED light strobe light using a common chip called the IC 555 .

Some knobs and resistors control how fast the light flashes and how bright it is.

Another resistor controls how much power goes to the LEDs.

This project uses a special switch that can handle a lot of power.

But you can also use other similar switches.

You can adjust this circuit to work with different types, colors and numbers of LEDs by changing one resistor value.

In this example, we use 36 white LEDs arranged in 3 rows of 12.

Important: Make sure the voltage from your power supply is high enough to handle all the LEDs connected together.

What is a LED Strobe Light Circuit:

A LED strobe light circuit is an electronic circuit that controls the flashing or strobing of Light Emitting Diodes LEDs.

Strobe lights are characterized by their rapid intermittent bursts of light and they find applications in various fields including entertainment, warning systems, and special effects

Circuit Diagram:

Parts List:

Resistors1/4 W CFR
5.6Ω 2W1
Electrolytic1000μF / 16V1
1μF / 16V1

Circuit Construction:

The construction of this LED strobe light circuit can be understood with the following points:-

Connect the 555 IC:

Set Up Components:

Connect LEDs:

Power Switch Connection:

Adjustable Components:


Formulas and Calculations:

LED Current Calculation:

The current flowing through the LEDs is determined by the resistor R3.

Use ohms Law to calculate the current ILED

ILED = VR3 / R3


VR3 = Vsupply−VLED


LED Series Voltage Calculation:

Important Notes:


If you plan to build or experiment with a LED strobe light circuit, it is essential to consider safety precautions especially if you are working with high intensity LEDs or connecting the circuit to a power source.

Additionally, understanding the specific requirements of your application and the characteristics of the LEDs you are using will help you design an effective and reliable strobe light circuit.


LED strobe lighting for machine vision inspection

Strobe light

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