The invisible energy fields known as electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are connected to electricity and other types of artificial and natural illumination.
Although extended exposure to some EMFs can be harmful, some EMFs are safe.
People may measure and see these fields in their surroundings by building a basic Arduino electromagnetic field detector.
Electric charges in motion produce electromagnetic fields or EMFs.
They are made up of two components that may move in waves: magnetic and electric fields.
EMFs are produced by a variety of objects, including electrical wires and technological gadgets.
Some people are concerned about the possible health repercussions of long term exposure to high levels of EMFs.
EMFs may be found using faradays law of induction.
According to this rule, a voltage is produced when a conductor is exposed to a fluctuating magnetic field.
We can ascertain the EMFs intensity by measuring this voltage.
The induced voltage may be measured and the EMF level can be shown using an Arduino.
An Arduino board may be programmed to translate voltage data to a numerical scale in order to do this.
The outcomes can then be shown on LED visual indication, LCD screen, seven-segment display, or even a graph using a computer application such as processing.
To build a simple yet efficient EMF detector, this project will make use of an Arduino UNO board, a 1M resistor, an IC 7809 voltage regulator, and a spiraling single standard wire as antenna.
Code with Explanation:
const int sensorPin = A0; // Pin connected to the 1MΩ resistor
const int ledPin = 13; // Pin for the LED (optional)
int sensorValue = 0; // Variable to store sensor value
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // Set the LED pin as an output
void loop() {
sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin); // Read the voltage from the antenna
Serial.println(sensorValue); // Print the sensor value to the Serial Monitor
// Basic threshold for LED indication
if (sensorValue > 100) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn on LED if EMF is detected
} else {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn off LED if no EMF
delay(100); // Short delay for readability
- The sensor is linked to the analog pin A0, while the LED is attached to digital pin 13.
- To observe sensor data on the Serial observe, the setup initiates serial communication at a baud rate of 9600.
- In the loop through the analog pin, the software constantly reads the value from the antenna.
- This value is printed for viewing on the Serial Monitor.
- The sensor value triggers the LED to indicate the presence of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) if it rises beyond a predetermined threshold, eg: 100.
Circuit Working:

Parts List:
As an antenna, the spiraling wire gathers electromagnetic signals from its surroundings.
Take a regular length of wire and coil it up.
This spiral wire should be connected with one end to the ground and the other to one side of the 1M resistor.
Attach the resistors opposite end to an analog input pin on the Arduino, such as A0.
By attenuating the signal, the 1M resistor helps make it acceptable for processing by the Arduino.
An analog input pin receives the voltage from the antenna, which the Arduino then translates into a digital value.
While the LED only offers a basic visual indicator, the Serial Monitor lets you see changes in the electromagnetic field in real time.
How to Build:
To build a Simple Arduino Based Electromagnetic Field Detector Circuit following are the steps to follow for connections:
- Gather all the components as mentioned in the above circuit diagram.
- Connect a regulated IC 7809 to provide a regulated 9V DC to the Arduino board as per the above circuit diagram
- Connect one end of this spiraled wire(antenna) to one side of the 1M resistor and the other end to the ground.
- Connect the other side of the resistor to an analog input pin A0 on the Arduino board.
- Connect an LED in series with a resistor to a digital pin D13 if you want a visual indication of detected EM fields.
For enthusiasts and anybody curious about the levels of electromagnetic field in their surroundings, this simple Arduino electromagnetic field detector project is highly recommended.
Simple parts like as an IC 7809, a resistor and spiral wire can be used to construct a working detector.
This project exposes novices to Arduino programming and circuit construction in addition to illustrating the fundamentals of electromagnetism.
More changes, including data logging or more sensitive sensors, might make this project into a more complete EMF monitoring system.
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