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Simple 220V Lamp Flasher Circuit using IC 555

This circuit uses a special chip IC 555 to turn a regular light bulb into a flashing party light.

The chip creates a special on off signal that gets sent to a switch transistor or triac, which controls the power to the bulb.

By turning the power on and off rapidly, the circuit makes the bulb flash at a specific rate.

While this circuit can create a flasher effect, it is important to use caution and proper safety measures when working with mains power 220V.

It is best to leave this type of project to someone with experience with electronics and high voltage.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Zener diode8.2V1W
Other100W Led bulb1

This circuit for a solid state flashing lamp, designed for 220V mains operation employs a 555 IC to regulate the ON and OFF durations of a triac, which in turn governs power to the load.

The ICs power supply is derived from a half wave rectifier D1, a stabilizer circuit D2 and R1 and filter capacitor C1.

The lamp remains illuminated for approximately 1 second and then remains off for about 0.7 seconds.

The timing intervals can be adjusted by selecting different values for R2 and R3.


The circuit design above indicates the usage of a triac based circuit in order to securely control a 220V AC bulb using a 555 IC.

By serving as middlemen, these parts divide the high voltage AC mains from the low voltage 555 circuit.

Knowing how to compute the frequency and duty cycle of a 555 IC in astable mode is crucial:


f = 1.44 / ((R1 + 2*R2) * C)

Duty Cycle:

Duty Cycle = (R1 + R2) / (R1 + 2*R2)


Establish the duty cycle and desired flashing frequency will assist you in choosing suitable settings for the 555 IC circuits R1, R2 and C.

How to Build:

To build a Simple 220V Lamp Flasher Circuit using IC 555 you need to follow the below mentioned steps:

Circuit Diagram:



A 220V lamp flasher circuit using the IC 555 can be constructed to flash a lamp or LED load connected to a 220V mains power supply.

The circuit uses the 555 IC in astable mode to generate a square wave output, which is used to control a switching device that toggles the power to the lamp creating a flashing effect.

Adjusting the values of the timing components allows for customization of the flash rate.


555 timer IC

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