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Super Sensitive Intruder Alarm Circuit

In this article, we are going to talk about a really simple but super effective intruder alarm circuit that is very sensitive.

These kinds of circuits are really important for security systems because they can detect even the tiniest intrusions.

The circuit we will look at uses an operational amplifier IC 741 and a timer IC 555 to work.

It also has a Light Dependent Resistor LDR as the main sensor, which makes it super sensitive to changes in light levels.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Resistors (1/4 watt)
IC741, 5551 each
TransistorBC557 PNP1
2N2222 NPN1
LEDAny 5mm, 20mA1

In this post an intruder walking just a few meters away from the circuit can set off the alarm.

The LDR and the potentiometer R9 work together as a potential divider.

The resistance of the LDR changes based on how much light hits it.

When the light gets brighter, the resistance of the LDR goes down, which causes the voltage across R9 to change.

The operational amplifier IC2 741 checks the voltage from the LDR and potentiometer setup non-inverting input against a reference voltage that is set by another resistor network inverting input.

If the voltage from the LDR goes higher than the reference voltage, the output of IC2 becomes high, which turns on the transistor Q1 BC557.

When Q1 is on, it sends a low pulse to the trigger pin 2 of IC1 555.

The 555 timer is set up in monostable mode, which means it will produce a high output for a specific amount of time based on the values of R4 and C2.

This high output from the IC 555 activates the transistor Q2 2N2222 which then turns on the buzzer.

At the same time, an LED1 lights up to show that an intrusion has been detected.

Formulas with Calculations:

Below mentioned are the calculations with formulas for Super Sensitive Intruder Alarm Circuit

Voltage Divider Output

V_LDR = (R9 / (R9 + R8)) * V_supply


Monostable Output Pulse Width

The output pulse width of the IC 555 timer is given by:

T = 1.1 * R4 * C2


T = 1.1 * 1,000,000 * 0.00001 = 11 seconds

How to Build:

To build a Super Sensitive Intruder Alarm Circuit follow the below mentioned steps:


This sensitive intruder alarm circuit is simple to create and very dependable.

It uses an LDR, which helps it react fast to changes in light making it perfect for protecting windows, doors or other important spots.

You can adjust the sensitivity of the circuit by changing the potentiometer to fit different places.

This project shows how basic electronic concepts work and can be a great part of any security setup.



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