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Simple Fast Charger Circuit with Auto Cut Off

This circuit is a speedy charger for batteries like the ones in cars and backup power systems.

It can juice up your battery extra fast, but do not worry about overcharging.

The circuit has a built in safety feature that automatically stops charging once the battery is full, keeping it healthy and lasting longer.

So you can get back on the road or keep your devices powered up quickly and safely.

Circuit Working:

Parts List:

Resistors120Ω 1W1
CapacitorElectrolytic 1000µF 25V1
SemiconductorsIC LM3381
Transistor BC5471
LED Green 5mm 20mA1
Zener diode 12V 1W1
Diode 1N54021
Bridge Rectifier 1N54024
Other ComponentsDigital Voltmeter1
Transformer 0-15V 5 Amp1
Battery 12V 50Ah1

This circuit designed for fast charging sealed lead acid batteries used in automobiles, inverters, etc. this high current charger can deliver 5 Amp for rapid battery rejuvenation.

It incorporates an adjustable voltage regulator, allowing for the charging of both 6V and 12V batteries.

The charging process automatically stops once the battery reaches full capacity.

The LM338 is a versatile high current variable voltage regulator capable of providing 2 to 25V DC with a high current output.

Noteworthy features include a 7 Amp peak output current, adjustable output down to 1.2V and thermal regulation.

It is user friendly and requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage.

Its time dependent current limiting ability permits a peak current draw of up to 12 amperes for short durations making it suitable for heavy transient loads and fast startups.

Due to its high current consumption the LM338 requires a heat sink for heat dissipation.

Two resistors are needed to set the output voltage with resistor R1 120 ohms acting as the program resistor.

A reference voltage of 1.25V Vref is typically generated between the output and adjust pins.

This reference voltage is applied across the program resistor R1 ensuring a constant current flow through the output set resistor VR1.

Therefore, the output voltage can be calculated using the formula which is mentioned below.

The input voltage is derived from a 0-15V 5 ampere secondary transformer with a 10 ampere KBPC rectifier module.

Capacitor C1 eliminates DC ripples allowing around 16V DC to enter the vin input of the regulator.

VR is used to adjust the output voltage from 2V to 15V.

A digital panel meter is employed to measure the output voltage which can be easily connected directly to the output.

By adjusting VR the output voltage can be monitored on the meter.

Any reduction in output voltage due to line voltage drop can be easily detected using the panel meter which can also measure the terminal voltage of the battery.

When the power supply is turned off the meter displays the terminal voltage.

A steady reading indicates that the battery is fully charged and holding the charge.

The Auto Cut Off circuit features a 5 Ampere darlington NPN transistor BC547.

When the batteries terminal voltage exceeds 12.5V, zener diode conducts preventing the LM338 regulator from operating.

If the battery voltage drops below 12V the zener diode turns off allowing the regulator to resume charging.

To set the output voltage a fully charged 12V battery should have a terminal voltage of 13.5V, and a 6V battery should have 6.5V.

Set the output voltage for charging to 14V for a 12V battery and 8V for a 6V battery.

Use heavy gauge red and black wires for the output and connect using crocodile clips to the battery terminals with the correct polarity.

Before connecting the charger to the mains attach the clips to the battery terminals and check the terminal voltage.

If it is below 13.5 to 6.5V, turn on the charger and charge for up to one hour.

Wait for 10 minutes and recheck the terminal voltage.

If the voltage remains stable the battery is ready for use.

Formulas and Calculations:

The following are the main formulas and factors to take into account while creating a rapid charging circuit with an automatic cut off utilizing an LM338 voltage regulator and related parts:

Voltage Regulation using LM338:

Using external resistors, the LM338 voltage regulator may be tuned to produce a certain voltage.

The output voltage, Vout can be computed as follows:

Vout​ = Vref ​× (1+R2 / R1​)+ Iadj ​× R2


Current control:

An external transistor BC547 is frequently used for current control, particularly if the charging current exceeds the LM338 alones current handling capacity.

You may calculate the current flowing through the load (battery) by:

Icharge​ = Vout​ − Vbattery​​ / Rsense​



From our circuit diagram above to create a charger with a 5A charging current for a 12V battery:

Transformer Selection:

To account for voltage dips during rectification and regulation, assume that the transformer secondary voltage Vsec is required for a 15V AC output.

Peak AC voltage Vpeak = Vsec × √2

Rectification and Filtering:

Following rectified, the highest DC voltage Vdc = Vpeak−Vdiodedrop


Make sure the parts you choose can withstand the charging circumstances by looking at their voltage and current ratings.

To avoid overheating, factors like heat dissipation and cooling for parts like the LM338 and transistor should be taken into account.

It is important to include safety precautions (such as fuses and current limiters) to safeguard the battery and the charger circuit.

You should be able to construct and calculate the parameters for a rapid charger circuit with auto cut off utilizing an LM338 and other related components with the use of these formulae and considerations.

Depending on the particular battery type and charging needs, adjustments can be required.

How to Build:

To build a Simple Fast Charger Circuit with Auto Cut Off follow the below mentioned connections steps:

Transformer and Rectifier Module:

Voltage Regulator LM338K:

Adjustable Voltage Divider:

Auto Cut-Off Circuit:

Digital Panel Meter:


Safety Precautions:



A Fast Charger Circuit with Auto Cut Off is a versatile and efficient solution for quickly charging batteries while ensuring safety and preventing overcharging.

By incorporating features such as the LM338 voltage regulator, auto cut off circuit, and adjustable voltage divider this circuit can effectively charge a variety of batteries used in automotive and other applications.


Datasheet IC LM338

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