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Stun Gun,Taser Gun Circuit

Stuns, also sometimes called tasers, use a strong electric shock to stop an attacker.

This shock is meant to be painful and scary not deadly.

A short shock can make an attacker lose control of their muscles for a few seconds.

This gives you time to get away.

A longer shock more than a second can make them fall down and be unable to move for a few minutes.

Again, the goal is to stop them not hurt them permanently.

WARNING: Stun guns are not toys and can be dangerous if used incorrectly.

It is always best to avoid conflict if possible.

What is a Stun Gun, Taser Gun Circuit:

A stun gun or Taser gun circuit is an electronic device designed to incapacitate a person temporarily by delivering an electric shock.

While stun guns and Tasers have some differences both typically use high voltage, low current electrical pulses to disrupt the normal functioning of muscles and nerves causing temporary incapacitation.

The Working principle of stun gun:

Parts List:

Resistors1/4 W MFR
Electrolytic 470uF / 16V1
PPC Capacitors
10nF / 50V1
100nF / 50V1
2.2μF / 600V1
Neon Bulb1
Push Button2

Stun guns function as voltage converters in two stages.

The voltage of the battery is raised to a higher voltage of several hundred volts to several kV in the first stage using the high frequency switching transformer.

A capacitor is being charged by this voltage.

The capacitor is discharged into the second pulse transformer once it has been charged raising the voltage to between 10 and 50kV.

The figures on the stun gun, such as 100,000 or even 200,000V are made up, a voltage of 200,000V would result in discharges longer than two meters.

The producers are only vying for the absurd voltages that the average population is unaware of.

The repetition rate ranges from 5 to 40 Hz.


The below formula describes a circuit that potentially amplifies a voltage Vin with a scaling factor S.

Vout = (2Vin + 1.414)S


Different kinds of stun guns

Thyristor SCR ones, spark gap ones, and multiplier ones are the three essential kinds.

The least expensive models of stun guns, spark gap stun guns are extremely unreliable and ineffectual.

Spark gaps are used in place of thyristors.

Transistor converters are used to increase battery voltage.

A larger voltage a minimum of 1 kV needs to be generated to ignite the spark gap thus occasionally the secondary of the first voltage transformer has an auxiliary multiplier connected to it.

Upon charging the capacitor to a voltage high enough to ignite the spark gap, it discharges into the pulse transformers capacitor.

The Tesla coil and this idea are comparable.

Thyristor stun guns are more dependable and effective because they use a thyristor SCR in place of the spark gap.

The voltage of the capacitor is only between 250 and 500V.

A resistive divider, neon light, or diac powers the thyristor.

A single transformer with a greater output voltage powers multiplier stun guns, which are then accompanied by a diode and capacitor high voltage multiplier cascade.

A DC voltage is what they produce.

The multipliers capacitors are what make the sparks so loud.

However, capacitors that come into direct touch with the skin discharge continuously rather than in pulses which can greatly lessen the impact.

Because of this, it is essential to keep the electrodes away from the attackers body and only place them near to it.

My stun gun 

Thyristor SCR version was my choice.

Since the bipolar transistor children’s push pull converters used in commercial stun guns have an efficiency of only 20%, my choice was to build a voltage converter using a MOSFET.

My converter has an efficiency of around 75%.

Operating frequency ranges from 80 to 120 kHz.

I utilized four glow neon lights in series to drive a thyristor with a gate as a second stage switch the lamps combined ignition voltage is around 95V or 380V.

The repetition rate of a pulse is between 30 and 50 Hz.

The inverter transformer is mounted on a ferrite EE core with a cross section of 20 to 25 mm2 in the center column.

The air gap which is around 0.5 mm thick is located in the cores central column.

The diameter of the wire in the primary is 2 x 12 turns, with a secondary having 700 turns at 0.1 mm.

The secondary is coiled in many discrete layers since at such voltages the wire enamel might fracture.

Observing secondary polarity is essential.

Making an HV pulse transformer with a voltage of several kV might be challenging.

The high voltage transformer may be used to add xenon strobe light.

With the primary in parallel and the secondary in series I utilized two of these transformers.

The two electrodes on the stun gun are closer to one another and are referred to as test electrodes.

He discharges some of them during no load operation.

Discharge restricts the highest voltage and acts as a warning to potential attackers.

The primary electrodes looking forward is the second.

In comparison with the test ones there is a significant difference in distance between them.

The electricity enters the body of the attacker from those electrodes.

Six 1.5V or six to seven 1.2V batteries NiCd or NiMH can power a stun pistol.

Two Li-ion or Li-pol cells linked in series 2 x 3.6 – 3.7V are ideal.

A standard 9V battery cannot be used with the stun gun since it pulls a high current of around 1.5A from the battery.


The purpose of the production instructions for this gadget is just to show the basic working concept.

The gadget is not meant to be used on humans or animals.

An output voltage may end in fatalities or major injuries.

Even after the battery has been disconnected and turned off capacitors can still hold charge.

Children do not own this gadget.

You use the stun gun at your own risk for all tests.

The creator of this website disclaims all liability for any injury you may get.

Everything you do is at your own risk and liability.

Safety Measures:


Building or modifying stun guns and Taser guns can have serious legal consequences, and it is important to emphasize responsible and legal use of such devices.




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